Simple Realistic 3D for Dragon Dogma 2
This shader makes Dragon Dogma 2 become slightly brighter (stronger global lighting effects) but with better shading, details and post processing effects.
CAPCOM (for created this great game)
Timothy Lottes (EPIC games)
Reshade Team (Crosire, CeeJay, Marty McFly, Thalixte, Ganossa/Hawk, Bacondither, Ioxa, Otis, Jose Negrete, et al. ~ https://reshade.me )
PrayDog (RE Framework)
– – It’s based on Reshade 5.x.x framework, BUT may not work properly with the other version of Reshade or other standard shaders.
Therefore, Please CLEAN-UP your previous all Reshade files and configuration (if you already installed it) from your Dragon Dogma 2 folder.
DO NOT mixed up with the other Reshade files!
How to install:
– Clean-up your previous all Reshade files and configuration (if you already installed it) from Dragon Dogma 2 folder before install this mod
– Extract these files (just extract it, do not run Reshade installer) into where your game executable (DD2.exe) resides. e.g C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dragons Dogma 2\
– Run the game!
Command Keys:
– Del (Delete) : Toggle Effects ON/OFF (default: ON)
– PgDn (Page-Down) : Toggle Stereoscopic mode ON/OFF (default will use Top-Bottom 3D format, you can change it to Side by Side (SBS) 3D format via UI).
– END : to Show up Reshade UI, so you can adjust Color Saturation, Light Intensity, Dark Level and Sharpeness to fit your monitor/your liking.