Show Boss HP
Show Boss HP above gauge.
1.only show hp for boss,not normal enemies
Edit `reframework/data/ShowBossHP.json` to config:
fontsize: size of the text
color1/color2: color of the text/box,must be decimal of the 32 bit agbr color.For example , 4,294,967,295(0xFFFFFFFF) for white, 4,294,901,760(0xFFFF0000) for blue.
OffsetX/OffsetY: position to show the text.
1. Install Reframework
2.You can Install by Fluffy Mod Manager or Manually
3.1. Install by Fluffy Mod Manager:
Download this mod and drag into mod manager.Then turn it on in mod manager
3.2.Install Manually
Dowload this mod and extract.Copy the `reframework` folder to game folder. If `reframework` already exists in game folder,then merge these two folders.