Camera Distance
Adjust camera distance to any value by hotkey anytime.
All dd2 mods source in github.
Keboard: Z/C
Controller: RT(R2)+ LeftUp/LeftDown
1.Effect is just like you are setting `Camera Distance` in System menu.
(But you can only set it to a value between 0 and 1 in System menu.This mod can set distance to any value,and you don’t need to open the menu.)
2. Won’t override special camera.
For example,when you are talking with npc/inside a building/climbing a monster/near a wall, you will have a near camera like before.
3.There will be a small text hint in leftop of screen when modifying distance.
1. Install Reframework
2. Install _ScriptCore
3. You can Install by Fluffy Mod Manager or Manually
3.1. Install by Fluffy Mod Manager:
Download this mod and drag into mod manager.Then turn it on in mod manager
3.2. Install Manually
Dowload this mod and extract.Copy the `reframework` folder to game folder. If `reframework` already exists in game folder,then merge these two folders.