Auto Sliders for Character Creator
Additionally, for faster responses, open issues/bugs/feature requests on my github page too.
This python script takes two ini files.A default profile which is used to find the original value, and a target profile which is the desired presets.
(TODO: Default Other Races)
The script then goes through each page simulating key presses to set the ‘default’ character to the desired.
It can be ran as a native python file (github), or by using the .exe available in the releases.
Note: If you create any templates, feel free to open a pull request or git issue with the .ini file and I will add it to the /template folder!
– To use, click on ‘DD2AutoSlider.exe’ and wait for the gui.
– After, select the default you wish to start with.
– Next, select the character preset/template file you wish to use.
– Then click run; and select the first section of the CC page.
Start Page:
Male Human
Female Human